Booking - Hotel Strauss Wuerzburg
Three Star Hotel Wuerzburg
City Partner Hotel Wuerzburg
Breakfast - City Partner Hotel Wuerzburg
Always book at the best price on our website or by phone Tel.: 049 (0)931 30570
Book at the best price
We always guarantee you the best price when you book through our website
Do you want to stay overnight in Wuerzburg? Check here the availability of our rooms and book our Hotel in the city center online always at the best price.
You don´t want to book online? We are happy to take your booking by telephone at any time. Phone: +49 (0) 931 30570
For a good start to the next day, book our breakfast buffet with a wide selection.
Still undecided? You can also book a special offer on our website. We offer various package deals.
All year round
These offers include in addition to the overnight stay our rich breakfast buffet and the services of the package.
Book a short trip to Wuerzburg with these packages and enjoy a break from everyday life with your loved ones.
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Hotel Strauss - Juliuspromenade 5 - D-97070 Wuerzburg - Phone +49 (0)931 30570
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Book here at the best price

Book directly on our website You always get the best price here

City Partner Hotel Wuerzburg


Book a room
Would you like to stay overnight in Wuerzburg? Check the availability of our rooms online here and always book our Hotel in the center at the best rate.
Button Booking Single Room Button Booking Double Room Button Booking Family Room
If you don´t want to book online, you can call us at any time.
Call us button
Have a good start to the next day and book our delicious breakfast buffet with a wide selection.
Book a package deal
Are you still undecided? We also offer various packages on our website, which you can also book online.
Booking package Wuerzburg
All year round
Booking weekend package
Booking Easter package Wuerzburg
Booking Christmas package
The packages include the overnight stay, the rich breakfast buffet and the additional services of the offer.
Enjoy a break from everyday life with your loved ones and book a short trip to Wuerzburg with these offers.
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Hotel Strauss Juliuspromenade 5 D-97070 Wuerzburg Phone +49 (0)931 30570
CPH Hotel Wuerzburg